申請對象說明(申請資格) | 居住所位於本轄(金門縣)內之居民(屋主或實際居住者) People with residence in Kinmen County, including owners or actual occupants. |
郵寄應備證件 | 無 |
申請費用說明 | 無(free) |
處理期限(天) | 1 |
處理期限備註 | 1.即到即辦,另需與申請人、防竊諮詢人員相約時間至現場實施。 2.與申請人(住戶)約定時間及地點後,提供個案住宅軟、硬體設施之改進建議,以降低竊盜犯罪發生之機率。 1.On the spot, but needs an appointment with the applicant and anti-theft consulting personnel to visit the site in question. 2.After making an appointment with the applicant (resident), we offer the applicant suggestions on hardware and some procedural changes in order to lower the risk of thefts.
申請份數限制說明 | 無 unlimited |
登入方式 | 帳號登入,憑證登入 |
使用多元化繳費 | 否 |
提供線上申辦 | 是 |
提供書表下載 | 是 |
開放行動版線上申請 | 是 |
服務說明 | 1、竊盜為民眾切身感受之刑事案件,故本局除針對有防竊需求之民眾外,亦就鄰近有住宅遭住戶,主動前往關心、詢問施作之意願。 2、請有需要之民眾,逕洽本局各分局偵查隊或各分駐(派出)所值班人員,即可相約時間前往指定之住所施作,以降低住宅遭竊之機率。 1.Thefts are criminal cases that touch the lives of the public, so this department responds to not only the public who show anti-theft needs but also neighbors of the residences that were victims of theft. We visit them and inquire about their willingness to work with us. 2.People who have this need may go directly to an investigation team at the prescient or a duty officer at a police station to make an appointment for a site visit in order to lower the risk of theft. |
申請方式 | 打電話、親自前往各警察單位、網路申辦phone calls, visit a police office, or apply online. |
申請完成產出的文件或證件 | 無none |
交付方式 | 無none |
注意事項(備註) | 1、民眾無需任何證件,可直接電話或親自前往承辦之警察單位申請。 2、施作員警需記載簡單的申請人基本資料,請民眾配合辦理。 1.Needing no identity papers, the public may call direct or go to a police office in person to apply 2.The officer making the visit will require some basic information about the applicant, so please work with the officer.
承辦單位聯絡資訊 | 金城分局偵查隊:082-324908 金湖分局偵查隊:082-336024 刑事警察大隊:082-325652 各分駐(派出)所亦可受理民眾申辦。 (上述各單位之「值班人員」均可辦理) Jincheng Precinct Investigation Team 082-324908 Jinhu Precinct Investigation Team 082-336024 Criminal Police Division 082-325652 |
主辦單位 | 刑警大隊 |